Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Tim Timmons - Starts With Me

What could I do to leave a legacy?
How can I speak with authority
When I can't see you, I can't see you
How can I know the dreams you have for me?
How do I believe beyond what I have seen?
When I can't hear you, I can't feel you now 

Oh, no, no, no

You're my revival song, you start where I belong
On my knees, on my knees 
When I am weak you're strong
You meet me here
When I'm on my knees, on my knees 
Oh, it starts with me

Why do I try to work outside of you?
Knocking down doors I should be going through
But I'm so tired, I'm so tired
You take my burdens off of my shoulders

You break the lies that hold me back
So I'm not sure enough

You're my revival song, you start where I belong
On my knees, on my knees 
When I am weak your strong 
You meet me here
When I'm on my knees, on my knees 
Yeah, it starts with me

I really wanna change the world
I really wanna sing your song
But I know revival's got to start with me
I really wanna change the world
I really wanna sing your song
But I know revival's got to start with me

You're my revival song, you start where I belong
On my knees, on my knees 
When I am weak you're strong you meet me here
When I'm on my knees, on my knees 

You're my revival song, you start where I belong
On my knees, on my knees 
When I am weak your strong you meet me here
When I'm on my knees, on my knees 
It starts with me

Sunday, July 28, 2013


In my twenty years of life, I've learned what love is able to bear and sacrifice, I've learned what love is, and I've learned what love isn't. Three big lessons that I will always carry in my heart.
Now I have to learn to be love.

"Remember, my child, anyone can love you when the sun is shining. In the storms is where you learn who truly cares for you." 

"Even after all this time, the sun never says to the Earth "you owe me". Look what happens with a love like that... it lights the whole sky."

God, please take away any resentment towards those who have hurt me. I want to be love and share love;  no more holding onto things that will not shine Your light.

Never regret 
Never forget 
The gift from above 
Unconditional love


We've all been down dead-end roads... But what if those roads were acutually taking you somewhere you needed to go?

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Third Day - I need a miracle

Well, late one night, she started to cry and thought, "He ain't coming home"
She was tired of the lies, tired of the fight, but she didn't want to see him go
She fell on her knees and said, "I haven't prayed since I was young
But Lord above, I need a miracle"

Well no matter who you are and no matter what you've done
There will come a time when you can't make it on your own
And in your hour of desperation
Know you're not the only one
Prayin', "lord above, I need a miracle
I need a miracle"

Thursday, July 18, 2013

I don't understand.

I don't understand how you can smile all day and cry yourself to sleep at night. [or, in my case, feel my heart bleeding, but not being able to shed one single tear]. How pictures can never change, but the people in them do. How forever turns into a few short months. How you let go of something you once said you couldn't live without. How you know something is best for you, but it still hurts the same. How people who once wanted to spend every second with you, they now try to avoid you at all cost. How people make promises despite knowing how common it is for promises to be broken [along with hearts]. How people can erase you from their lives just because it's easier than working things out. 
The truth is... in reality, boys don't come running back to you in the middle of the night sneaking through the window. They just leave and never say a word to you again. 

Monday, July 15, 2013

Little girl, get up.

He took her by the hand and said to her, "Talitha koum!"
(which means "Little girl, I say to you, get up!")  Mark 5:41

Bajo la luna.

Mi querida,
Sabia decisión... Mi niña, sin duda que hubo un perdedor
Y tuvo que haber sido él.
Perdió una sonrisa que brilla cómo el sol.
Perdió una compañera con iniciativa, con proyección y con mucha experiencia y conocimiento.
As veces es dificil relacionar una persona llena de vida y ansias por vivir... con alguien vacio!
El brillo de tu mirada bajo la luna me dijo que estabas llena de muchas cosas... lo recuerdo perfectamente.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Just another breakup

There goes another one...
Just another heartbreak
Just another heartache
Another bad lie, another goodbye looking for another
Heart to break

I felt it coming
The beginning of our end
It's replaying on my mind
And I guess I just can't comprehend

It's just another break up
It's for the better
That's all it matters

All the expectations and hope
They're all gone
That's what hurts the most
I'm not sad
I'm just done
Tired of doing this on my own
Tired of having to move on

Just another broken heart
Just another fresh start

Friday, July 12, 2013

Brandon Heath - Love Does.

This one goes out to the world changer
Shining your light in the face of danger

Oh, tell us what you know
You’re a saint, you’re a son, you’re a promise keeper
Bottom of the well, still digging down deeper
Oh, how far you gonna go

Chasing down hope
Moving on dreams
Taking that path
Maybe it’ll lead you home
Maybe it won’t

Nobody knows why your heart is broken
Nobody cries while your prayers are going up
But Love does

Nobody walks on the road you’re paving
Nobody sees all the souls you’re saving
Oh, but Love does
Love does
Love does

This is for the one on the front line fighting
Ringing that bell over everybody
Oh, tell us what you know
Knocking down doors in the midnight alley
Looking for a life in a desert valley
Oh, how far you gonna go

Chasing down hope
Moving on dreams
Taking that path
Maybe it’ll lead you home
Maybe it don’t

You are a renegade
You’re an outlaw of Love’s crusade
And they don’t know who you are
They don’t know
They don’t know
But Love does
I’m telling you, Love does

Somebody knows
Somebody cries
Somebody feels
Love does
Somebody walks
Somebody sees
Somebody knows
Love does

Wednesday, July 10, 2013


Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. -Joshua 1:9

I admit to you, I haven't been very courageous. Doubt and fear has me feeling like I am trapped in quicksand. I can't breathe, I am shaking.
I remember that Courage isn't just a nice idea, it's a command.
I can't find anywhere in the bible where it commands us to be weak and safe. But, over and over again we are reminded to be strong and courageous.
I've heard it said that, "Courage isn't the absence of fear, it's having fear and moving forward anyway."
So, I can face that thing that is gripping me in fear too. 


Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Never lose hope...

Never lose hope
when the Beloved
sends you away.
If you’re abandoned
if you’re left hopeless
tomorrow for sure
you’ll be called again.
If the door is shut
right in your face
keep waiting with patience
don’t leave right away.
Seeing your patience
your love will soon
summon you with grace
raise you like a champion.

Mercy Me - Beautiful

The days will come when you don't have the strength
When all you hear is you're not worth anything
Wondering if you ever could be loved
And if they truly saw your heart they'd see too much

You're beautiful
You're beautiful
You are made so much more than all of this
You're beautiful
You're beautiful
You are treasured, you are sacred, you are His
You're beautiful

And praying that you have the heart to find
Cause you are more than what is hurting you tonight
For all the lies you've held inside so long
And they are nothing in the shadow of the cross

You're beautiful
You're beautiful
You are made so much more than all of this
You're beautiful
You're beautiful
You are treasured, you are sacred, you are His
You're beautiful

Before you ever took a breath
Long before the world began
Of all the wonders He possessed
There was one more precious
Of all the earth and skies above
You're the one He madly loves
Enough to death

You're beautiful
You're beautiful
In His eyes

You're beautiful
You were meant for so much more than all of this
You're beautiful
You are treasured, you are sacred, you are His
You're beautiful
You're beautiful
You're meant for so much more than all of this
You're beautiful
You're beautiful

You are treasured, you are sacred, you are His

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Questions, oh so many...

So many questions are in my mind... I feel like a thunder storm has arrived in my head and it's pouring down rain, thunder, lightning, hail... everything at once.
I, then, decided to pour all this power into a place that I can break it down the storm into light rain, so maybe I can understand myself and hopefully you [one day] better.

1. How did this all happen? I thought we were in a good place.
2. Why don't you communicate better? You're often so quiet and I find myself trying to understand you through gestures and actions, instead of you just being a little bit more communicative.
3. If this is happening, are you truly willing to work it out? Or are you just trying to spare me from greater suffering?
4. Is this a phase, something you think we just need to work it through it? Or you think this is how you want to act for a longer time?
5. I am trying to be so supportive, to be there for you, is this mutual? Are you concerned about me? Or just you and your life?
6. Are you doing this to avoid me or actually because we need some time apart?
7. Are you hurt by all of this? Or are you happier that we are "apart"?
8. Do you think we both need God in our relationship? Do you feel like we have been neglecting Him a little?
9. Do you feel away from God?
10. Do you think God can heal and restore our relationship? Or do you feel like it's all "on us"?
11. Do you think you're just overwhelmed? Do you think there's actually something we need to work on that bothers you? Are you willing to work the differences?
12. Am I being too pushy? Or this doesn't have anything to do with me?
13. Why did you think for a moment it would be better to let go of who you love? What made you come to this decision so quickly and easily?
14. Do you really want to be in a relationship or you just like the company of someone?
15. I am feeling completely unloved, unwanted, undesired, and hurt. Why do you think that I am feeling this way? Are you willing to change that? Or are you just looking after your own interests?
16. Finally... if you would hate answering these questions and really wished we didn't need this conversation, please leave. Now.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

O Amor.

"E lá no fundo da alma esse sentimento nos traz risos ou prantos bem nítidos a qualquer aprendiz. O amor mais sublime não faz promessas vãs ou desumanas, no infinito descaso. O amor é incondicional quando é o ápice dos sentimentos, quando vemos que a vida transforma, sem vício ou aplauso. E tudo o que sentimos pode ser bem mais profundo, quando o amor sublime nos prova a verdade, de graça, além de todo o padrão que nos ronda no mundo, além da maior escuridão, que o verdadeiro amor ultrapassa."

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Nada pela metade.

"Recomeça... se puderes, sem angústia e sem pressa e os passos que deres, nesse caminho duro do futuro, dá-os em liberdade, enquanto não alcances não descanses, de nenhum fruto queiras só metade." ~ Miguel Torga


Não importa onde você parou,
em que momento da vida você cansou,
o que importa é que sempre é possível
e necessário "Recomeçar". 
Recomeçar é dar uma nova 
chance a si mesmo.
É renovar as esperanças na vida
e o mais importante:
acreditar em você de novo.

Sofreu muito nesse período?
Foi aprendizado.

Chorou muito?
Foi limpeza da alma.

Ficou com raiva das pessoas?
Foi para perdoá-las um dia.

Sentiu-se só por diversas vezes?
É por que fechaste a porta até para os outros.

Acreditou que tudo estava perdido?
Era o início da tua melhora.

Pois é!
Agora é hora de iniciar,
de pensar na luz,
de encontrar prazer nas coisas simples de novo.

Que tal um novo emprego?
Uma nova profissão?
Um corte de cabelo arrojado, diferente?
Um novo curso,
ou aquele velho desejo de apender a pintar,
dominar o computador,
ou qualquer outra coisa?

Olha quanto desafio.
Quanta coisa nova nesse mundão
de meu Deus te esperando.

Tá se sentindo sozinho?
Tem tanta gente que você afastou
com o seu "período de isolamento",
tem tanta gente esperando apenas um
sorriso teu para "chegar" perto de você.

Quando nos trancamos na tristeza nem
nós mesmos nos suportamos.
Ficamos horríveis.
O mau humor vai comendo nosso fígado,
até a boca ficar amarga.

Hoje é um bom dia para começar
novos desafios.

Onde você quer chegar?
Ir alto.
Sonhe alto,
queira o melhor do melhor,
queira coisas boas para a vida.
pensamentos assim trazem para nós
aquilo que desejamos.

Se pensarmos pequeno,
coisas pequenas teremos.

Já se desejarmos fortemente o melhor
e principalmente lutarmos pelo melhor,
o melhor vai se instalar na nossa vida.

E é hoje o dia da Faxina Mental.

Joga fora tudo que te prende ao passado,
ao mundinho de coisas tristes,
peças de roupa,
papel de bala,
ingressos de cinema,
bilhetes de viagens,
e toda aquela tranqueira que guardamos
quando nos julgamos apaixonados.
Jogue tudo fora.
Mas, principalmente,
esvazie seu coração.
Fique pronto para a vida,
para um novo amor.

Lembre-se somos apaixonáveis,
somos sempre capazes de amar
muitas e muitas vezes.
Afinal de contas,
nós somos o "Amor"