Saturday, October 27, 2012

Oct 25th, 2012... a cool autumn night

So tonight I was biking home again from the grocery store. One of my bags ripped so I had to stop to rearrange stuff. I so happened to stop right in front of a church. Well, one of the bags ripped and the other one was hanging by a thread. So, get this... I'm in front of this church, on a bike, alone, looking like I need help. So these people were just closing the church and getting ready to go. T
here were about three cars there. They all saw me. NONE of them stopped to ask if I was okay or if I needed help. They ALL drove off on their nice, big cars.
I got SO pissed off. People cling so much to religion and its rules but then they forget the essence of everything - the very thing Jesus talked the most about: don't let yourself become like the Pharisees. Just be kind and good to people and show love.
This is just a proof of what I had been thinking about lately. We need to stop worshiping religion and focus on God solely. I really do hope people stop one day to think about these issues and stop focusing on religion so much and start trying to be more Christ-like.

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