Sunday, December 9, 2012

The grass withers and the flowers fall.

The grass withers and the flowers fall,

    but the word of our God endures forever.
(Isaiah 40:8)

The year is almost over and I can't help but analyze the year of 2012. This past year has taught me more than I could ever imagine. One of the best lessons I will take from this year is: "you will be fine" - Yes, I will be fine. Even if everything looks dark and I can't see anything ahead of me... God is with me, He is my light, and He will walk with me through ANY trouble I have. Even if it may look like I am all alone, I will never be alone. The thunderstorm eventually will pass. Who would tell that I would be saying something like this? 

The numbness comes after the dark times. I was barely surviving the days. It is so easy to get frustrated and walk away from God when things are not quite what you expected. I was furious at God, actually. Why would he allow all of this to happen? I was still hurting, and now I had lost sight of Him. Why would he allow me to get lost? God wanted me to seek Him, to pursue Him, for He is jealous of me! 

"God is like a star - the darker the night, the brighter He shines." Wow, isn't that so true? When I find myself crying, lost, alone, He is there to cover me with His goodness. He is there to say "My daughter, I am here, do not worry." It is when I can't see anything, that He becomes my eyes. I am overjoyed with thankfulness for his protecting, carrying, and amazing love toward us. 

I pray that even through the bright days, I won't forget about God. I know that the "good days" won't last forever. Isaiah 40:8 speaks so much to me right now. God, I understand that this is what you want from me right now - to not lose focus of you. Help me to stay near you, this is what I am here for - to adore you, to praise you, and glorify you. Your love will last - all the worldy things will vanish. I need you all the time.

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