Follow your
heart... but take your brain with you ~ Alfred Adler
Love is only
blind when your eyes are closed. "A mind is a terrible thing to waste" ... How can one balance the needs of the heart and the demanding rationalism of the brain?
We'd love to believe our hearts should be our guide but it can definitely lead you astray without assistant.
My rational side always whispers to wait, to be patient, that things will eventually work itself out. I've waited a lot in life... waited for the right moment, for the right person, for the right place... I've made good decisions in waiting; Regardless of waiting or not, I've haven't taken the right road every time. Although, these decisions may have been not been the best, they surely served as a great lesson.
The thing is... I want to believe in my heart, but it has tricked me before. I want to believe in the most rational decision, but it also has gotten me to the wrong path. I'd like to believe in balance... so where to find the balance? What is the balance? The balance is wherever you feel happy, comfortable, and hopeful it is the right decision. It's the right decision when you've found peace.
What do you do when you've encountered a bifurcated road? Where do you find yourself after the decision is made? In peace, or troubled?
What do you do when you've encountered a bifurcated road? Where do you find yourself after the decision is made? In peace, or troubled?
A grande verdade é que todos nós precisamos aprender a viver
bem. A vida é um sopro que a qualquer vento se desfaz. Enquanto vivos, vivamos
o melhor possível ~ Crisbal Bueno
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