Tuesday, June 17, 2014

The true side

The course of love never did run smooth

We hear in every corner. We don't need to know someone intimately to know their "love" issues. It's almost as if it is engraved onto their foreheads: "I'm not loved", "He's not present", and so on. It doesn't take much to start realizing that every single couple, married or not, have gone or will go through a dark period in their love lives. When I was younger, I always thought love was beautiful, easy, and that true love would surpass any heartaches, any obstacles. I detested divorce. I thought it was a public display of weakness. How could one give up on love? Love reigns above all. Love is kind, love is patient, it never fails! 
Little did I know that life would teach me some very important lessons in the most painful way - by living it. Little did I know that life would test me in every single "moral" I once stood for. 
I've experienced the beauty of love - love is indeed beautiful; an unique feeling worth of being the inspiration to the most talented poets. The purest feeling. Love makes us lighter, renewed. It makes us jump out of bed energized even though we spent countless nights awaken, day dreaming about our beloved. Love is, truly, what makes the world go around. 
On the very opposite scheme, we also have that feeling of disappointment when your once beloved breaks your heart. Every single dream of yours is shattered. The moments once shared only mean that they're part of the past now. Even worse is when you watch, from the first row, someone taking very small pieces of your heart and smashing them right in front of you - yet, you do nothing to stop them; they keep crushing every hope and dream of yours. Cruelty. Love is cruel. It comes rushing into your life without any warrant - it also leaves just as it arrived.
So now, is one weak by giving up on love? Well, the course of love never did run smooth... it teaches us who we truly love and who truly does love us too; this journey teaches us who's worth waiting; who will stick with you; who will fight for you. It's not an easy journey - you will take some hits, you will be down for a moment, but the truth comes out eventually - we'll eventually learn and surely find out who is the one who will be worth of it all.

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