Friday, November 30, 2012

Love is...?

You know what? LOVE SUCKS. In the almost twenty years of my life, I have seen and lived way too many heartbreaks. Since I was 10, love has been a part of my life. Looking back and comparing all my "happy-sweet-love moments with my sad-depressing-crying-all-day moments... the second one is a lot more frequent than the first one. Isn't it suppose to be the opposite? Why do we have such a high standard for love? What is it that we can't just live a happy life without needing somebody else? Why are we always in a constant quest for the one? Well, one the answers that comes in my mind right now is: we like to share happiness with those we love. Well, that's a valid argument, but maybe that it's not the exact reason. Because if it was for that, friends would be enough. Why the hell do we need someone? And why is it so hard to have that? I don't know, that's why love sucks and is not worth your time. Unless you are some sort of Casanova or Eros, the Greek god of Love and Passion, your love is only important as long as someone believes it is. To keep someone in need of your love, it takes a lifetime of adoration and spontaneity, or else they will look to someone else for the same love and adoration. In the end, love can only hurt you.

Love hurts. When you fall in love, there are many times when your feelings are not returned, resulting in a painful void in your heart. The pain will seem unbearable, and was not worth the heady feeling you got before your love was not returned. After realizing the truth behind the disadvantages of love, and after experiencing the heartbreak for yourself, will you only realize how meaningless and futile your love is. Your love will only cut you open in the end. I have not yet found someone to be worth having so much pain. I can take the pain, unless that person is with me. But, no... we all know, sooner or later, people will leave your life - and they do it so easily.

The expression most commonly used with love is “falling in love.” There is no better word to describe it. It is indeed “falling” in love, and that’s what sucks about it. Love is a trap. You are tricked into it like an addictive gambling game, and then you are tripped, and you fall, and you keep falling in a seemingly endless spiral. And, like everything that falls, you eventually hit a bottom, and it will be hard and painful. Falling in love only gives you an incurable ache when you reach the end.

You know, maybe love is just a fictitious thing that Hollywood we all try to have, but we never do - kinda like utopia. Love is utopical. We see it in the movies and since we are young we make every effort to live that dream through meaningless things like movies, barbies, and the wrong people. It seems like we are never have what we think other people have, or what we see in the movies. Truth is, love is never so perfect as it seems to be.

Love is unfair.  Love will ony result in your downfall. Love often strikes many people at once, and for the same thing or person. “All is fair in love and war.” Competition is what war is about, and love is just the same. You will compete with others to show your affection, and prove your love is most worthy. But, so will everyone else. When competition reaches your friends and family, and you focus only on the art of competition for love, you begin to lose the things you held dear before love struck you. Chances are, you will lose the competition to someone else, and you will be left with nothing, having sacrificed everything to try and win.

Love is never as beautiful as it appears on the outside. The apparent, imaginary perfection of love is easily uncovered by the reality of the daily life due to imperfect people. Love is imperfect. Our endless, romantic dreams will never be fulfilled. 

The older I get, the more I realize love is a choice. No, I won't meet that perfect guy who has everything I ever dreamed of and who has been waiting for me all his life. No, I won't find a guy that will make me happy forever. No, I won't find a guy who will never piss me off or make me cry. No, I won't find a guy who will give me flowers every week or who will remember my birthday, our anniversary, my new haircut, my new lipstick, my dog's birthday, or that today I am wearing a new shirt. We all have to fight and make relationships work out. We have to oversee people's flaws - because we have just as many.

Love is not easy. It takes time and a lot of patience to strive. “What’s with everyone going on about the ‘hard work’ of marriage?” I used to think. “If it’s so hard it musn’t be true love. True love has a meant-to-be-ness about it that’s gotta make everything easier. Like, if it’s THAT hard, then it just ain’t right. Right?” Uh huh. My relationship with my own self is complicated, how could I expect it to be simple with another? I believe that if you care about someone, it will take every ounce of your body to not forever damage a bond you have with somoene.

So if you’re out there thinking that the smoochy hot couple has got it easy, ha! Think again. If you’re down to a teaspoon of hope, envying the love stories on the other side of the fence, remember that while they were smiling for the cameras, Joanne Woodward was putting up with Paul Newman’s boozing in the early years. Fridah Kahlo’s beloved Diego chased skirts all through Mexico and New York. Cleopatra waited a long time for her man.

Love and doubt aren’t exclusive. In fact, they can be the most fantastic dance partners. Give and take. Trust and turn.

~From me, Cecilia, who is just tired of trying.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

E & F

For all those times you stood by me, For all the truth that you made me see, For all the joy you brought to my life, For all the wrong that you made right, For every dream you made come true, For all the love I found in you. I'll be forever thankful! You were my strength when I was weak. You were my voice when I couldn't speak. You were my eyes when I couldn't see.

You saw the best there was in me.You gave me faith 'cause you believed. I'm everything I am because you loved me. I was blessed because I was loved by you.

I will love you both forever, with all my heart! 
I miss you more than words can ever describe.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Look at the sky...

When you realize how perfect everything is, you will tilt your head back and laugh at the sky

Monday, November 26, 2012

A fé.

Essa força que nos rege que é Deus, esse infinito invisível, cheio de luz e onipresente. Acredite do seu jeito, o importante mesmo sempre será a sua Fé, que também não será encontrada somente aos domingos. A Fé é sua positividade, sua força interior em acreditar no que ainda não se pode vê. É uma certeza que de que vai conseguir e de que vai dar certo. A Fé vem sempre junto do sentir, entregue pela sua intuição com a força do seu coração! Mas isso só se é permitido aos que sabem sentir... Às Almas de boa Fé, onde brota muita Luz e Amor dentro do coração. 

As Sementes.

As Quatro Sementes Para 2013

Unidade: união - a glória de Deus só é manifestada na vida do povo quando estamos reunidos. Deus anseia para que nós proclamemos, nos unamos e nos juntemos para glorificar Deus e a Sua Luz, para que o poder Dele se manisfeste. É impossível sentarmos juntos em lugares celestiais se não sentarmos juntos na terra pelo Espírito. Para que todos sejam um - rogo para que ti, Ó pai, seja em mim, assim como eu em Ti, e eles em nós. Juntos, mostraremos a luz de Cristo.
Para a unificação não ser rompida:
~ Não observe (julgue) as diferenças;
~ Promova a paz no que depender de você;
~ Não fale de seu irmão em Cristo;

Produtividade: é uma característica de Deus em nós, então, nós devemos criar e empreender para aplicar a criatividade e ser proativo nas nossas vidas. As coisas só acontecem se nos levantarmos, agirmos, fizermos! Devemos perceber a necessidade para que, independente do tempo, devemos nos levantar e semear mesmo que não haja tempestades. A produtividade é a soma da renúncia com a atitude.
Práticas para se tornar proativo:
~ Participar e interagir mais
~ Fazer mais do que lhe foi pedido
~ Ser mais curioso

Quebrantamento: uma atitude que, em contextos bíblicos e de um modo geral, nos remete a destruição ou enfraquecimento de algo - nesse caso, do no nosso coração. Nossos desejos e paixões são enfraquecidos e anulados para que a vontade de Deus prevaleça. A importância de estar aos pés de Cristo é essencial - ocupação, preocupação, inquietação diária nos desviam de Deus, e nós acabamos deixando Ele em segundo plano. O mais importante é nos deleitar e aprender mais e estar aos pés de Cristo e estar perto Dele. Mesmo que os ventos impetuosos cheguem, eles não nós afetará pois colocando prioridade máxima em Deus, Ele refoca nosso alvo e realoca o sentido de busca, de disciplina. Sede de Cristo anulará as ansiedades. Um coração quebrantado a Deus é irresistível ao Senhor.

Solidariedade: está ligada a empatia - se colocar no lugar do outro. Passar a sentir as dores do outro, você está sendo solidário. Foi uma prática que Jesus ensinou em inúmeras situações. Temos esquecido a compaixão para com nosso irmão, vivendo uma vida egoísta - devemos plantar o amor de Cristo em outras pessoas. É se preocupar para aqueles que são esquecidos, como uma retribuição para o que Cristo fez por nós. A cruz é um símbolo para que nunca esqueçamos que nosso objetivo de vida é morrer para nossas vontades e servir a Deus através das pessoas - não por uma obrigação, mas como um gesto de devolução miníma. Devemos agir e acompanhar, não só falar.
Atitudes práticas:
~ Investir no reino
~ Participar dentro e fora da comunidade cristã

Hoje é tempo de semear.
O melhor de Deus ainda está por vir!

When you lose the Awe for God.

"Truly God is good to Israel . . . " (Psalm 73:1).

I don't think we have categories that get at what these words are saying. Pastor, these words can roll off your tongue so easily your mind barely has time to consider their content. The danger is that these words have become so familiar and mundane that they barely draw interest out of us, let alone awe. At breakfast you'll say something like, "Wow, this cereal is good!" Or, "We had a good time at the park." Or, "Let me tell you where to get a good cup of coffee." Or, "Sam is really a good intern." So maybe when we read that God is good, the worship transaction that's supposed to happen inside us doesn't happen anymore.
When you read the words "God is good," your heart should be filled with wonder, gratitude, humility, and love and this amazement should fuel your ministry. Or to capture what our response should be in one word: AWE. Now, this is where the problem lies: I'm convinced that many of us live and do ministry day after day without any awe whatsoever. We live days, maybe even weeks, without wonder and amazement even in gospel ministry. What should stun us doesn't stun us anymore. What should leave us in silent, amazed worship has become so familiar it barely gets our attention in the clutter of all the other things in ministry that command our attention. We walk through our daily ministries without an overwhelming sense of gratitude. We don't notice the glory displayed all around us that points us to the one glory that is truly glorious: the glory of God. No, we see:
• the worship leader who thinks he's the senior pastor
• too much traffic
• another long meeting to attend
• the car that needs repair
• the movie we have to see
• the blogs we can't live without
• the cool restaurant we can't wait to visit
• the busy holiday season that quickly approaches
• the garage that is too full to house the car anymore
• the perennial financial problems at church
• the weight we didn't mean to gain
• the ministry dreams that are slipping through our fingers.

For sinners, the road between awe and complaining is very short. You and I were created to live our lives in the shadow of awe. Every word we speak, every action we take, every decision we make, and every desire we entertain was meant to be colored by awe. We were meant to live and minister with eyes gazing upward and outward. We were meant to live with hearts that are searching, hungry, seeking satisfaction, and being satisfied. Bad things happen when pastors lose their sense of awe. Bad things happen in ministry when we've no wonder inside us. Bad things happen in local church leadership when we're no longer amazed. Bad things happen when we look around and nothing impresses us anymore.

Filling the Void
Sins robs that sense of divine wonder meant to shape every person's life and every pastor's ministry. When it does, you look for ways to fill the void. Now think about it: if you're not getting your wonderment vertically – that is, from the Creator – then you'll look for it somewhere in the creation. You'll be shopping for the buzz of wonder where it simply can't be found. Your friends and family can't give you the awe you seek. That new restaurant will blow you away, but it won't introduce you to the heart-satisfying wonder of God. That new car will make you happy for a while, but it doesn't have the capacity to fill your soul with glory. That certain ministry success will not satisfy your heart.
The Psalmist here gets at the dilemma in a single word: good. You're looking for pure, unadulterated, imperishable, unending, and unfailing good, because you're wired that way. Even as a ministry leader, you're looking for the kind of good that can lift you out of your boredom and quiet your longings. And that good can only be found one place: God. God is good in every possible way. He's good in righteousness. He's good in power. He's good in grace. He's good in his faithfulness. He's good in mercy. He's good in holiness. He's good in justice. He's good in his rule. All his words are good and true. All his actions are good and right. When he's angry, he is good. When he preserves life, he's good. When he takes life, he's good. When his words are hard, they're good. When his words are gentle, they're good. His promises are good. His provisions are good. His plan is good. In the entire universe, you can only say this about God: he's good all the time and in every way.

Everything Else Flawed
Nothing in creation is like him. Everything around us is flawed in some way. Even before the Fall, no glory in creation compared to the glory of the Creator. But even in ministry, sin has the power to make us blind to the glory of God. Sadly, awe of God is quickly replaced by awe of you. It's a danger to everyone in ministry that we'd live and minister too impressed with us and not nearly in the kind of awe of God that should grip us.
No, it's not too good to be true. There really is a God who is the Creator and Sustainer of all things, who's the sum and definition of all that's good, true, and loving. He's not only good, but he also places his goodness on us! Not because we'll ever deserve it in any way, but simply because he's good, gracious, loving, and kind.
Think about it. The One who's the sum and definition of all that's truly good has placed his goodness on people like you and me, people who even in ministry get numbed by busyness and familiarity. Now that's a reason for AWE! Remember, that's good news that's not too good to be true, even when the daily rigors of ministry are distracting and hard.


Les plus belles images ne s'encadrent pas. Elles sont le souvenir des belles choses... Les yeux fermés, elles apparaissent et vous dressent le sourire. 

Amor é...

"Amor é uma luz à
noite atravessando o nevoeiro

amor é uma tampinha de cerveja
pisada no caminho
do banheiro

amor é a chave perdida da sua porta
quando você está bêbado

amor é o que acontece
uma vez a cada dez anos

amor é um gato esmagado

amor é o velho jornaleiro na
esquina que

amor é o que você acha que a outra
pessoa destruiu

amor é o que desapareceu junto
com a era dos navios encouraçados

amor é o telefone tocando,
a mesma voz ou uma outra
voz mas nunca a voz

amor é traição
amor é o incêndio dos
sem-teto num beco

amor é aço
amor é a barata
amor é uma caixa de correio

amor é a chuva sobre o telhado
de um velho hotel
em Los Angeles

amor é o seu pai num caixão
(aquele que te odiava)

amor é um cavalo com a perna
tentando se levantar
enquanto 45.000 pessoas

amor é o jeito que nós fervemos
como a lagosta

amor é tudo que nós dissemos
que não era

amor é a pulga que você não consegue

e o amor é um mosquito

amor são 50 lançadores de granada

amor é um pinico

amor é uma rebelião em San Quentin
amor é um hospício
amor é um burro parado numa
rua de moscas

amor é um banco de bar vazio

amor é um filme do Hindenburg
se retorcendo
um momento que ainda grita

amor é Dostoiévski na

amor é o que se arrasta pelo

amor é a sua mulher dançando
colada com um estranho

amor é uma senhora
roubando um pedaço de

e o amor é uma palavra usada
muitas vezes e
muitas vezes
cedo demais."

Doorway to God.

None of the music reaches farthest into heaven as the beating of a broken heart,
The wailing of a broken heart is the doorway to God.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Não chore.

Não chore diante das pessoas que não entendem o significado de suas lágrimas porque amar é uma arte mas nem todo mundo é artista.

Thursday, November 22, 2012


In the last two thanksgiving, I had a lot to be thankful for. It was first thanksgiving ever in 2010, so I couldn't be happier!  - I was experiencing something new every day, I had a host family who showed me love and made me feel special. In my very first thanksgiving, I was cooking, and baking, and eating, and visiting, and laughing, and LIVING! I was truly thankful for being exactly where I was. My life had finally been what I was dreaming for two years, and I finally had it! The best part was, I was genuinely happy ON MY OWN. I didn't need anybody, I didn't need to date anyone - I was busy, was super active in school and in my brand new community. I was loving life.

That brings us to my second thanksgiving. Possibly - I mean, certainly - the best thanksgiving so far. I spent about seven days in Northern California, in Eureka with my favorite, kindest, funniest, most loving, and most beautiful American family I have known. I spent every minute of every day for a week with the people I loved the most. It was the first holiday get-together of many, many to come - or so I thought... We ate sushi, went to the beach, saw a rainbow, went to the zoo, went hiking, went running, got the freshed apple juice I ever had, went to amazing restaurant, walked in the rain, listened to the choir, baked, cooked, held hands, hugged, laughed, GAVE THANKS. Every day, I would wake up and pinch myself and ask what I had done to deserve something so great! I had everything - I had God with me, I had a family I could call my own, I had the most loving boyfriend, I was going to college and doing what I loved. Wow! What a difference from the year prior! I was happy, but it was a different happy than in 2011. I was HAPPY, IN PEACE, AND CONTENT - the big difference was that I FINALLY, FINALLY, after one year and a half of constant quest... I finally felt truly HOME. The feeling of being home had not been familiar to me for a long time, not even when I was in Brazil! That's why I was so, so, so happy.

Which brings us to thanksgiving of 2012. Here I am, sitting on the coach I used to sit, laugh, and be happy. I am now writing with a nostalgic setting. Now, I see myself alone again - but in a different way. I don't have a family here to call my own. However, I see myself the most independent I've ever been, I see myself accomplishing things I never thought I was able to, I see myself becoming an adult. I never imagined myself being where I am. This year has been a tough year, with a lot of struggles. I have had some happy moments, however, but mainly it was a struggle year. I see my life turning around in a totally different way soon. As of today, I have a hard time thinking about what I should be thankful for. I have been asking this question for the past two weeks and I am still trying to find the answer. Love? Life? Independency? My education? Possibly. However, I think the best answer for me this year is STRUGGLE. It's all about perspective! I am thankful for the tough times, because they are shaping who I am. I still haven't fully seen the results of my struggles, but I can see progress. I believe that as long as I am moving forward, it's a good thing. I am progressing, I am trying to make it every day, I am trying to get better. I hope in a year I will look back and smile and be happy for never giving up.

Psalm 136:1 ~ Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever. 

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

As ruas que andamos.

Eu ando pelas ruas que andamos
Eu canto as músicas que cantamos
Eu rio das coisas que rimos
Eu olho o que fomos

Meu inteiro está vazio de ti
Não há nada
O nada está me enchendo
Está transbordando,

Não percebes?
O teu sofá está cheio de lágrimas.

Monday, November 19, 2012


Smiles come best from those who weep.

~ Rumi

É triste.

É triste quando a gente percebe que uma parte da nossa vida foi mentira, que nada valeu a pena, que só era fingimento. É triste saber que agora você equivale ao valor de uma bala de bombom na esquina do centro.
Eu não consigo mais continuar com tanta falsidade e escuridão ao meu redor! Ninguém foi feito para o fingimento e sim para a autenticidade, seja ela bonita ou não. Assim, mais cedo ou mais tarde, é quem realmente somos que fica em evidência. Eu prefiro ter um vaso quebrado e com defeito, porém feito com amor e carinho e por uma pessoa de verdade, do que ter um vaso perfeito feito por um robô, sem sentimentos e sem veracidade.


Nunca fui poeta,
fingi que era para sobreviver.
Existe alguma forma mais bonita 
de enganar a si mesmo, 
brincar de ser profeta, 
ser feliz, viver?
Sem a menor falsidade,
tenho certeza de que nunca os enganei,
os amigos
fingiram gostar dos meus versos
por solidariedade.

Sunday, November 18, 2012


I've got sunshine on a cloudy day.
When it's cold outside I've got the month of May.
I've got a sweeter song than the birds in the trees.

No final do dia.

E no final do dia eu só peço a Deus que abençoe meus planos,
E que, se não, faça-me entender os planos Dele.
Que Ele me guie no caminho certo,
E que nunca me deixe escapar de vista.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

It's cold.

-I get cold easily.
-See, we're the perfect match then. I am a burning fire all year long.
-Will you keep me warm?

...Baby, it's cold outside.


-How do you do that?
-Do what?
-You make me smile without even trying.


Friday, November 16, 2012


Espírito Santo,
Ore por mim. Leve para Deus tudo aquilo que eu preciso, use as palavras que eu necessito usar mas não consigo. Me ajude nas minhas fraquezas, não sei como devo pedir Espírito Santo, vem interceder por mim.

Distante de ti Senhor, não posso viver, não vale a pena existir.
Escuta o meu clamor,
Mais que o ar que eu respiro, EU PRECISO DE TI.


Puta que pariu, caralho, filho da puta, mizera, porra, merda. PAU NO CU DE TODOS.

Essas merdas só acontecem comigo mesmo, né? Parece que o mundo conspira contra mim.

Que se foda esse caralho.


What ever happened to chivalry? Does it only exist in 80's movies? I want John Cusack holding a boombox outside my window. I wanna ride off on a lawnmower with Patrick Dempsey. I want Jake from Sixteen Candles waiting outside the church for me. I want Judd Nelson thrusting his fist into the air because he knows he got me. Just once I want my life to be like an 80's movie, preferably one with a really awesome musical number for no apparent reason. But no, no, John Hughes did not direct my life.

Losing You.

Today, I will refrain from my poems and subjective writings to write objectively and crealy about my recent failures. Recently, more than I have ever in my life, I feel like a complete failure. Moreover, I feel purporseless. What am I doing? - I keep asking myself.

This year of 2012 was been an unique one. I have never felt so many feelings at once, yet numbness has never left me for one second. I feel angry, sad, lost. Then, I feel nothing. What is this?

I have never relied on God solely so much than I have this year. There are times that I have high hopes, I believe and trust in Him that he will never leave me. But then, out of nowhere, I feel like he is never been around. I don't see him, I don't know where he is. 

I am slowly losing sight of Him. And this hurts more than ever. I am devastaded. And it seems like there is nothing I can do. I try, I pray, I read, I worship. What am I doing wrong?

God, please, help me. A servant of yours is lost in the woods and she can't get out. Help me find Your way, Your light. I need you. I need You so badly, Lord. I can't keep going like this.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Temos de ver todas as cicatrizes como algo belo. Combinado? Este vai ser o nosso segredo. Porque, acredite em mim, uma cicatriz não se forma num morto. Uma cicatriz significa: “Eu sobrevivi”.

Aaron Shust - My God, My Savior.

I am not skilled to understand
What God has willed, what God has planned
I only know at His right hand
Stands One who is my Savior

I take Him at His word and deed
Christ died to save me this I read
And in my heart I find a need
For Him to be my Savior

That He would leave His place on high
And come for sinful man to die
You count it strange, so once did I
Before I knew my Savior
[ Ly ]
My Savior loves, my Savior lives
My Savior's always there for me
My God He was, my God He is
My God He's always gonna be

Yes, living, dying let me bring
My strength, my solace from this spring
That He who lives to be my King
Once died to be my Savior

That He would leave His place on High
And come for sinful men to die
You count it strange so once did I
Before I knew my Savior

My Savior loves, My Savior lives
My Savior's always there for me
My God He was, My God He is, My God He's always gonna be (x6)

My Savior lives, My Savior loves
My Savior lives, My Savior loves


There comes a point in your life when you realize that nothing will ever be the same, and you realize that from now on... time will be divided into two parts, before this and after this.



Once you get to your soul, then every person you look is a soul. 

From Your Father.

Remain faithful.
I didn't promise it would be easy,
I promised it would be worth it.

There is a wall in front of me.

Goodbye and good night.

Goodbyes are only for those who love with their eyes. Because for those who love with heart and soul there is no such thing as separation.

It was like magic.

And every tree and plant in the meadow seemed to be dancing. 

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Jeremiah 29:11 ~ For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Proverbs 29:11 ~ Fools give full vent to their rage, but the wise bring calm in the end.

Proverbs 3:5-6 ~ Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

Ephesians 4:26 ~ In your anger do not sin. Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry.

Matthew 6:19-21 ~ Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

Hebrews 12:6 ~ Because the Lord disciplines the one he loves, and he chastens everyone he accepts as his son.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Très, très durs.

Les temps sont durs pour les rêveurs.


Nothing is more beautiful than a [true] smile that has struggled through tears.



Sometimes the people who are thousands of miles away from you can make you feel better than the people who are right beside you.

Dá medo.

Porque te dá um medo filho da puta, né?
Ser feliz, medo de amar, medo de ser bom,
Tudo que faz bem pra gente, a gente tem medo.

~ Cazuza.

...Mas eu arriscarei.
E cairei.
E levantarei.


Então liberte-se, para vida se liberte
Pegue o que tiver errado e acerte
Para a vida se liberte

Friday, November 9, 2012

Maria Monte - Depois

Depois de sonhar tantos anos,
De fazer tantos planos
De um futuro pra nós
Depois de tantos desenganos,
Nós nos abandonamos como tantos casais
Quero que você seja feliz
Hei de ser feliz também
Depois de varar madrugada
Esperando por nada
De arrastar-me no chão
Em vão
Tu viraste-me as costas
Não me deu as respostas
Que eu preciso escutar
Quero que você seja melhor
Hei de ser melhor também
Nós dois
Já tivemos momentos
Mas passou nosso tempo
Não podemos negar
Foi bom
Nós fizemos histórias
Pra ficar na memória
E nos acompanhar
Quero que você viva sem mim
Eu vou conseguir também
Depois de aceitarmos os fatos
Vou trocar seus retratos pelos de um outro alguém
Meu bem
Vamos ter liberdade
Para amar à vontade
Sem trair mais ninguém
Quero que você seja feliz
Hei de ser feliz também

Triste realidade.

Tem gente que vai me perdendo,
Me deixando escapar,
Aí vou percebendo
Que nunca fiz tanta diferença...
E que a importância que eu pensava ter,
Na verdade, nunca existiu.

Let's dance.

We can't always choose the music life plays for us,
But we can choose how we dance to it.

So I say, baby,
Let's dance in the rain.

Would you dance with me when the rain falls?

The shackles of Life.

Everything has its shackles.

Thursday, November 8, 2012


Que o vento leve o que não me faz bem...

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

É isso aí.

Nada nessa vida é por acaso. Absolutamente nada. Por isso, temos que nos preocupar em fazer a nossa parte, da melhor forma possível. A vida nem sempre segue a nossa vontade, mas ela é perfeita naquilo que tem que ser.

Here and now.

Here love begins to render
the prose of life into hymns
and canticles of praise.

Monday, November 5, 2012


Don't dwell on the past. Your history can't be erased, but your future has yet to be written. Make the most of what's going to happen instead of worrying about what you can't change. Don't waste your time being sad, because you're wasting away moments in which you could be happy. It's taken me awhile, but I'm learning that letting go of the past is a good thing. It doesn't mean forgetting, it just means moving on. And you can't enjoy the present when you're stuck in the past. Don't cry for what might have been, don't live in the past. It was supposed to be forever? Well forever doesn't always lasts. Lift your head and dry your tears, forget about yesterday. We had the time of our life, but we must move on. Let it fade away.
I will never ever lose hope. I refuse to. No matter the odds, no matter what happens, it’s still my choice, my decision, my power, to hold onto the faith in what I believe to be true. That's the one thing that can never be taken from me unless I allow it.
There is an inner beauty about a woman who believes in herself, who knows she is capable of anything she puts her mind to. There is a beauty in the strength and determination of a woman who follows her own path, who isn't thrown off by obstacles along the way. There is a beauty about a woman whose confidence comes from experiences - who knows she can fall, pick herself up, and go on.
We become attached to what's familiar, and sometimes we hold on to things that are safe and predictable, even if they are bad for us.
Consult not your fears but your hopes & your dreams. Think not about your frustrations, but about your unfulfilled potential. Concern yourself not with what you tried & failed in, but with what it is still possible for you to do.
- Pope John XXIII
If you’re feeling frightened about what comes next, don’t be. Embrace the uncertainty. Allow it to lead you places. Be brave as it challenges you to exercise both your heart and your mind as you create your own path towards happiness. Don’t waste time with regret. Spin wildly into your next action. Enjoy the present, each moment, as it comes; because you’ll never get another one quite like it. And if you should ever look up and find yourself lost, simply take a breath and start over. Retrace your steps and go back to the purest place in your heart… where your hope lives. You’ll find your way again.
It's sad when you think you know someone for such a long time and then all of the sudden you have no idea who this person is that is staring right in your face.
"Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier. Be the living expression of God's kindness: kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes, kindness in your smile."
— Mother Teresa
One of the best feelings in the world is realizing you're perfectly happy without the thing you thought you needed most.
"If a guy wants to be with a girl, he will make it happen. No matter what."
- He's Just Not That Into You
 No matter what has happened - good or bad - it has all brought you here to this very moment. And in this moment, you can do whatever you choose.
Sometimes you just have to finally admit that you don't deserve any of this, and leave. Even if it's going to be the hardest thing you ever do.
I've learned that it's taking me a long time to become the person I want to be. I've learned that it's a lot easier to react than it is to think. I've learned that either you control your attitude or it controls you. I've learned that maturity has more to do with the types of experiences you've had and what you've learned from them and less to do with how many birthdays you've celebrated. I've learned that quantity is not as important as quality when it comes to best friends. I've learned that it isn't enough to be forgiven by others, sometimes you have to learn to forgive yourself. I've learned that no matter how bad your heart is broken, the world will not stop for your grief. I've learned that background and circumstances might have influenced who you are, but we are responsible for who we become. I've learned that you can't make someone love you, all you can do is be someone who can be loved. I've learned although the word "love" can have many meanings, it loses value when overly used. I've learned that no matter how old or wise you think you are, life never stops teaching.
Sometimes we need to stop analyzing the past, stop planning the future, stop trying to figure out precisely how we feel, stop deciding with our mind what we want our heart to feel, and sometimes we just have to go with "whatever happens, happens"
You held your pride like you should have held me.
So do not fear, for I am with you;do not be dismayed, for I am your God.I will strengthen you and help you;I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.-- Isaiah 41:10
Be grateful for the struggle. It is our trials that refine us, to push us toward the moments that will define us.
Don't worry if you're single. God's looking down at you thinking, "I'm saving her for someone special."
I am not going to stop because of a broken heart. I will always be soft and loving and the world will never turn me hard, so my heart will always be vulnerable to break. But I will not let a broken heart stop me from loving. And I will not let a broken heart stop me from bringing light into the world. I will make a change, and I'll pour out love even if I don't always feel it pour back in. God loves me, God never changes. And that may be the only constant, but it's enough for me. For anyone. I will trust in Him, and I will not stop because of a hurting heart.
I will rejoice. No matter what.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Almost lover.

Your fingertips across my skin
The palm trees swaying in the wind

You sang me Spanish lullabies
The sweetest sadness in your eyes
Clever trick

I never want to see you unhappy
I thought you'd want the same for me

Goodbye, my almost lover
Goodbye, my hopeless dream
I'm trying not to think about you
Can't you just let me be?
So long, my luckless romance

My back is turned on you
I should've known you'd bring me heartache
Almost lovers always do

We walked along a crowded street
You took my hand and danced with me

And when you left you kissed my lips
You told me you'd never ever forget these images, no

I never want to see you unhappy
I thought you'd want the same for me

Goodbye, my almost lover
Goodbye, my hopeless dream
I'm trying not to think about you
Can't you just let me be?
So long, my luckless romance
My back is turned on you
I should've known you'd bring me heartache
Almost lovers always do

I cannot go to the ocean
I cannot drive the streets at night
I cannot wake up in the morning
Without you on my mind
So you're gone and I'm haunted
And I bet you are just fine
Did I make it that easy
To walk right in and out of my life?

Goodbye, my almost lover
Goodbye, my hopeless dream
I'm trying not to think about you
Can't you just let me be?
So long, my luckless romance
My back is turned on you
I should've known you'd bring me heartache
Almost lovers always do