Thursday, June 14, 2012

LaCrae - Background

I could play the background
I could play the background
Cause I know sometimes I get in the way
So won't You take the lead, lead, lead?
So won't You take the lead, lead, lead?
And I could play the background, background
And you could take the lead

It's evident you run the show, so let me back down
You take the leading role, and I'll play the background
I know I miss my cues, know I forget my lines
I'm sticking to your script, and I'm reading all your signs
I don't need my name in lights, I don't need a starring role
Why gain the whole wide world, If I'm just going lose my soul
And my ways ain't pure if I don't live according to Your Word
I can't endure this life without Your wisdom being heard
So word, to every dancer for a pop star
'Cause we all play the background, but mine's a rockstar
Yeah, so if you need me I'll be stage right
Praying the whole world will start embracing stage fright
So let me fall back, stop giving my suggestions
'Cause when I follow my obsessions, I end up confessing
That I'm not that impressive, matter of fact
I'm who I are, a trail of stardust leading to the superstar

I could play the background
I could play the background
Cause I know sometimes I get in the way
So won't You take the lead, lead, lead?
So won't You take the lead, lead, lead?
And I could play the background, background
And you could take the lead

I had a dream that I was captain of my soul
I was master of my fate, lost control, and then I sank
So I don't want to take the lead, 'cause I'm prone to make mistakes
All these folks who follow me, gon' end up in the wrong place
So let me just shadow you, let me trace your lines
Matter of fact, just take my pen, here, you create my rhymes
'Cause if I do this by myself, I'm scared that I'll succeed
And no longer trust in you, 'cause I only trust in me
And see, that's how you end up headed to destruction
Paving a road to nowhere, pour your life out for nothing
You pulled my card, I'm bluffing, You know what's in my hand
Me, I just roll and trust you, You cause the dice to land
I'm in control of nothing, follow you at any cost
Some call it sovereign will, all I know is you the boss
Man, I'm so at ease, I'm so content
I'll play the background, like it's an instrument

I could play the background
I could play the background
Cause I know sometimes I get in the way
So won't You take the lead, lead, lead?
So won't You take the lead, lead, lead?
And I could play the background, background
And you could take the lead

I know I'm safest when I'm in Your will, and trust Your Word
I know I'm dangerous when I trust myself, my vision blurred
And I ain't got no time to play life's foolish games
Got plenty aims, but do they really Glorify Your name
And it's a shame, the way I want to do these things for You, yeah
Don't even cling to you, take time to sit and glean from You
It seems You were patient in my ignorance
If ignorance is bliss, it's 'cause she never heard of this

I could play the background
I could play the background
Cause I know sometimes I get in the way
So won't You take the lead, lead, lead?
So won't You take the lead, lead, lead?
And I could play the background, background
And you could take the lead

I could play the background
I could play the background
Cause I know sometimes I get in the way
So won't You take the lead, lead, lead?
So won't You take the lead, lead, lead?
And I could play the background, background
And you could take the lead.

I love this song. This is LaCrae, a Christian rapper and this song speaks to me so much... We often do what we think it's right for us and not what God wants for us. I'm learning to take a step back, let go of my personal desires and embrance the trials and struggles that are going to make me grow spiritually. God is good and so are his plans for us. So all we really need to do is fall back and let Him take the lead.
God, I pray that one day I will learn to submit completely to You. I know your plans are great, but I struggle so much with this. I need You to take the lead of my life because I just can't do it without you. I pray that one day You will show me your grandiosity and I will be content with You only. I know I don't need anybody but You, so please put this in my heart, God. I know You are my rescue boat. You and only You. So please, put this in my heart. I need to learn to let go of what my mind wants and focus only ON YOU.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Lembrar de momentos especiais da nossa vida é como uma viagem ao tunel do tempo. Uma viagem que nos leva de volta aquele momento inesquecível e único que foi petrificado na nossa memória. Na nossa vida inteira, nós passamos por inúmeros momentos aos quais nunca esqueceremos.

Só basta fechar os olhos e reviver tudo de novo. Sentir tudo que seus cinco sentidos sentiram pela primeira vez: o cheiro, o gosto, a cor, o som, a textura. Sentir seu coração bater do mesmo jeito. Ver o mundo com os olhos que víamos antes. Tudo se torna tão inocente e puro. O passado tem o poder de nos contar o que nós aprendemos e reviver tudo aquilo de novo.

Mas nem tudo são flores. Memórias nos trazem dor e tristeza. Dor de saber que tudo aquilo que você estava sentindo naquela hora: o coração batendo, as suas expectativas para o futuro, o cheiro do ambiente ao seu redor, olhares se cruzando... tudo aquilo se foi. Para sempre.

Saber que tudo aquilo que um dia foi o motivo de você acordar e de lhe fazer a pessoa mais feliz do mundo agora não está mais alí com você.

O que nós fazemos com memórias que só nos traz lágrimas?

O que fazer com aquilo que foi tirado de ti tão rapidamente e sem aviso?

Eu me encontro tão perdida neste mar de memórias e lágrimas. Tudo se volta, no final do dia, aquelas memórias ao qual eu só quero esquecer.

Andar pelas mesmas ruas que andei à algum tempo atrás e lembrar o quão inocente e o quanto eu esperava da vida... é tão... tão... decepcionante. É uma decepção saber que tudo aquilo que eu tinha agora se foi.

Eu me encontro em um mar de falsas esperanças e eu estou me afogando mais e mais... Estou esperando um barco salva-vidas há algum tempo...

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Shawn McDonald - Closer


Looking for a color
In a shade of gray,
Looking for love
In a drop of rain.
Trying to change from
The old mundane.
Everything i do just
Feels the same.
Spending my life
Out of the desert.
Been gone so long
Feels like forever.

I just want to be
Even closer to you.
I just want to
Be even closer.
I am yours.
You can have all of me,
Anything, everything.
I just want to
Be even closer.

A day without you
Is a thousand years.
A day without you
Is a million tears.
Tell me why do
I run in fear?
Why do i run when
You are so near?
Spending my life
In the weather.
Been gone so long and
I need some shelter.

I just want to be
Even closer to you.
I just want to
Be even closer.
I am yours.
You can have all of me,
Anything, everything.
I just want to
Be even closer.

Wherever you go,
Wherever you are,
I just want to be
There with you.

I just want to be
Even closer to you.
I just want to
Be even closer.
I am yours.
You can have all of me,
Anything, everything.
I just want to
Be even closer.

Looking for a color
In a shade of gray,
Looking for love
In a drop of rain.

Daily prayer

He leads the humble in doing right, teaching them his way. ~ Ephesians 2:8, NLT

I pray that God will give me understanding in this situation I encounter myself. I pray that God will make me trust completely in Him so my mind and heart is free of worries and dedicated to Him only. I pray that this heaviness in my heart goes away and I can finally breathe again. I pray that God will give me peace of heart.
I PRAY and BELIEVE that God will teach me His word so I can think and act in a Godly way, seeking out spiritual growth, not personal achievement.
