Thursday, September 27, 2012


I have come to realize that it's no longer important how my life turns out to be.
My main concern is how I can live to be a living proof of God's words. Wherever He sends me, I'm content. I am content however the Lord plans my life. I'm willing to take any turbulence and storms life throws at me. I do not and will not expect anything from life besides being content with God's willing and being able to share His love that so touches me daily.
Some may see this as a pessimistic idea. But I tell you, this is one of the most positive. It's one that holds the idea that there is something much greater and better awaiting for us in heaven; that this life is only temporary and what is good is yet to come.

Lord, I take your offer; I will rejoice fully in you and in you only. For you are more than enough, Lord. I thank you for your constant presence in my life. I ask you for strength and wisdom to carry on these thoughts.
You are all I need. You are my rock and my foundation.
I cannot do this without you, Lord. Please, don't let me wander away from You.


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